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The custom theme system is using laravel-theme, which allows for great flexibility for creating themes, and extending existing ones, or only modifying the templates that you want to change.

Creating a theme

To create a new theme, you can either copy and existing one, or use the command line artisan command to generate one fresh.

The Quick Way

The quick way to create a new theme is to just copy the default theme to a new folder, and edit the theme.json file:

  1. Copy the resources/views/layouts/default into a new folder, e.g, resources/views/layouts/mytheme
  2. Edit the resources/views/layouts/mytheme/theme.json file, and update the name

If you want to edit only select templates (also recommended), set the extends value to default. Then you only need to copy over the templates that you modify, instead of all them (this makes it easier to update phpVMS, and you also know what you've modified).

New Theme from Scratch


You can use theme:create command to bootstrap these steps

Into the root of the resources/views/layouts/ path, create a new folder, with a theme.json file. This JSON file serves as the manifest for your theme

"name" : "THEME_NAME",
"asset-path" : "ASSET_PATH",
"extends" : "PARENT_THEME"

After doing this, copy the files from resources/views/layouts/default into the new theme folder.

Creating/copying an existing theme

Important notes:

  • THEME_NAME (REQUIRED) is the name of your theme. Can be any string.
  • ASSET_PATH (optional) is relative to public path. You should create this folder too!
  • PARENT_THEME (optional) is the name of the parent theme. Set it to null if this is a stand-alone theme. If you want to extend an existing theme, place that name there. You can extend the default template and change only the templates you want, by recreating the same structure for the template you want to override.
  • You can add any additional configuration into the json file. You may access to your own settings with Theme:getSetting('key') & Theme:setSetting('key','value') at runtime.

Assets in the public folder

While laravel-theme has a helper for the theme_url, in phpVMS, you should use the public_asset() helper function. Since phpVMS can run on both shared and on its own, the public folder path could be different. The public_asset() method takes care of that.

It's recommended you create a new folder for your theme, under public/assets (or, public_html/assets, depending on how you uploaded your files), and then referring to those assets like:

echo public_asset('assets/my-theme/img/someimage.png');

Packaging a theme to distribute

To distribute a theme, on the command line run:

php artisan theme:package <theme name>

This will create a distributable theme package in the storage/themes path, which can then be distributed.

More resources for themes