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phpVMS uses spatie/laravel-backup to perform backups. By default, this feature is disabled, but you can activate it if you want to create backups of your files and database.

Backups are scheduled nightly, and an older backup is removed, ensuring you have multiple backups available (e.g., last night's, the one before, etc.).


Backups can consume up to 5GB of disk space.

Basic Configuration

With this configuration, a backup will be added to the storage/app/{yourApplicationName} folder every day. You will receive a notification in case of failure at the email address you specify.


For this feature to work, you need to have email configured (see here).

Advanced Configuration


By default, only failure notifications are sent via email. You can choose to receive success notifications as well and send them to Discord.

# The following line shouldn't be added again if you already added it in the basic configuration

If you choose the mail channel, you need to configure BACKUP_NOTIFICATIONS_MAIL_TO with the email where you want to receive notifications.

If you choose the discord channel, you need to configure BACKUP_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL with the webhook URL where you want to receive notifications. See here to create a webhook.


By default, backups are only made on the local disk corresponding to the /storage/app/{yourApplicationName} folder. You can add other disks to send your backups.


To use a remote disk like Amazon S3, CloudFlare R2 or SFTP, you must configure the details in .env properly. By default phpVMS v7 supports Amazon S3, CloudFlare R2 and SFTP. As an example; To use CloudFlare R2, a bucket should be configured in your account along with an S3 compatible API and below details should be in your .env file


Also it is possible to add more disks to support different file systems, you need to create the disk in config/filesystems.php. Examples of configuring disks can be found in Laravel Documents and other online sources.

Backup Retention Configuration

By default, phpVMS keeps backups for the last 7 days and retains a maximum of 5000 MB of backup data. You can adjust these settings to customize the retention period and maximum size.

To change the number of days for which backups are kept, set the BACKUP_MAX_DAYS variable in your .env file. For example, to keep backups for 3 days, add the following line:


To change the maximum size of backups retained, set the BACKUP_MAX_SIZE variable in your .env file. The size is specified in megabytes. For example, to retain backups up to 10000 MB in size, add the following line:



You can encrypt your backups with AES256 and a password.
